Thursday, June 14, 2012

The rich get richer;The poor get poorer

"The rich get richer;The poor get poorer" This is a big lie that has gone down through history,Passed on from generation to generation. This mindset has misled millions to believe that they are doomed to poverty and that there is no more hope for them to succeed in life. It falsely declares that wealth is just an elusive dream for a few people , As a result , Many people accept life the way it is ,
In early 1980s , I lived in one of the first few town houses in Governor Forbes in Sampaloc Manila ,Philippines Right beside our home were the informal settlements of several underprivileged  families. whenever we would drive ip to our unit , We would blow the car  as a signal for the guard to know we were outside and that he had to open huge blue gate of our townhouse. From inside of our car i could see the dagger looks of our less privileged neighbors ("You're so smug better off.with your beautiful house and car; We on the other hand ,, are poor and have nothing !").
These mindset  and attitude are not found exclusively among the less privileged,almost everyone is guilty of this at one time another.When we see other people  with things that we do not have , We tend to compare ourselves with them.The result is envy.

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